In the case of Murphy (New Jersey Governor) v NCAA the Supreme Court in a seven to two decision ruled that the band on sports betting was unconstitutional, a decision that is sure to change our future outlook on sports. This case started when Chris Christie was the governor of New Jersey, He did not like the fact that New Jersey was denied exemption from the Professional and Amateur Sport Protection Act of 1992. Christie challenged the Act stating that it was in violation of the 10th Amendment, after the case climbed up to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court agreed. This now means that sport betting is at the discretion of the individual state. The federal (PASPA), better known as the band on sports betting which prohibited most states from authorizing sport betting was first passed to protect the integrity of sports. It was a growing concern that if sport betting was legal it was more likely that malicious people would influence the games in their favor. Now with the band lifted the growing question becomes how do states now regulate sport betting to prevent those very worries from becoming reality. This question has yet to be answered but many states are drafting bills to get the ball rolling and the betting started.